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Why Mix?

The benefits for everyone

Join in

How to experience WAVE-style mixing

Our Reach

Communities and people we have connected

Become a WAVEmaker

Find out how you can join the WAVEmaker journey

WAVE in a Box

Discover how to start a mixed-ability group in your community with WAVE in a Box

With Not For

The WAVE approach is that everyone should have the chance to join in with community life and be valued equally. We avoid terms like ‘service users’ or ‘volunteers’. For us it’s all about doing things with, and not for, each other.


When we do this, everyone benefits


  • Understanding and acceptance of people’s ‘differences’ improves

  • Confidence grows

  • Anxiety reduces

  • Friendships are built

Watch the video to learn more about our With Not For approach

WAVE Activities

All WAVE activities follow our 'We're All Valued Equally' ethos and provide different places for inclusion in the community.




“WAVE is a very big community, lots of love, passion, happiness throughout. A lot of respect, total utter respect from everyone that’s been there. Not one person has said or done anything where you feel like you’re not going to be welcome, you are going to be welcome!”


‘When we intentionally make a space to be more loving and welcoming and inclusive,

everybody benefits’


“Seeing the stress in a Mum coming to the group for the first time - closely watching her child who struggles in group settings, scared of how it will go - then seeing her face relax because her child is welcomed.  It’s such a blessing to me to make those connections happen.”

Image by Tim Mossholder


Find out more about what WAVE does and how to collaborate with us.

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