Team Members
Celia Webster
I co-founded WAVE as I am passionate about breaking down barriers for people with and without learning disabilities
Anchal Gupta
I want to be involved with WAVE because I want to enable a society where everyone is respected and treated equally.
Xavier Azado
WAVE is very special to me. People like myself with a learning disability can help others. Everybody’s always got something to give.
Sue Picano
I am an Ambassador for WAVE because the idea of "with, not for" approach is the way to go!
Bernice Hardie
I co-founded WAVE because I am passionate about inclusion and know that what we do at WAVE helps people with and without learning disabilities to feel more valued in their community
Ian Hardie
I never know what WAVE will create or make happen but I know it will make me smile.
I just love being around people who are completely open and real
Gerry Stanton
I passionately believe that mixed ability groups make all our lives better. WAVE is an inspirational way to develop such groups.
Ophir Yaron
Ambassador & Mixed Ability Team
I'm involved with WAVE because I love making change and to be who I am as a person not just with a (l)able of down syndrome, also to inspire everyone.
Carolyn Jarvis
Relationships Manager
I've been involved with WAVE since 2018 when I was fortunate enough to work for the Wave Café team... I'd love to see every community take WAVE's We're All Valued Equally message to their heart and for us all to build a truly inclusive society.
Darrell Myers
Ambassador & Mixed Ability Team
I’m involved with WAVE Café and like working in the kitchen and doing different activities
Hannah Brooks-Plunkett
I am passionate about inclusion and I think everyone is and should be valued equally.
Ingrid Skinner
I’m involved with WAVE because…
I want to see communities change and everyone be valued equally
Toby Morrison
My reason for being involved in WAVE is that I am high functioning autistic and have a passion for inclusion within the charity sector. I have worked and volunteered in the sector since 2006 and completed my degree in Applied Community and Social Studies.
Stephanie Buckingham
After my son’s autism diagnosis, WAVE became a lifeline to me. I honestly wouldn’t have coped without them and feel honoured to be a trustee. I’m also a special needs school Governor.
Bishop Sarah
I’m excited to become the first Patron of Wave for Change and become a champion for inclusion and helping people with and without learning disabilities to feel more valued in their community.
Sophia Popham
Operations Coordinator
I love working at WAVE – being part of a great team that lives the with not for ethos, and comes alongside anyone who wants a helping hand to do that.